Why Can’t Humanity Be in SYNC?
Wars and rumors of wars. Disagreements in politics. Disagreements between countries. Disagreements in religion. Disagreements with family. Disagreements with neighbors. In fact, most of humanity wishes to argue with most of the rest of humanity, just because their BELIEF is different. WHY is this???
We all have an energy body vibration. Unfortunately, humanity has lost sight of this. Very few even recognize this fact. Let me also say that just because someone doesn’t know about something doesn’t make that particular something not be a static reality.
One problem lies in the fact that the majority of humanity relies on their brain storage for information versus the actual truth of a thing. What does this mean? We ALL have been conditioned to BELIEVE what we consider fact, but the truth is that “fact” which we believe, may be based on illogical and untrue beliefs. Just because we believe in something doesn’t make it true. That belief may be just a stored data point based on emotional but illogical received information. But in our minds, it becomes solidified due to confirmation bias.
As we grow up, we are first conditioned to believe what our parents believe. Even though their BELIEF may or may not be actual fact. Then we go to school and are conditioned by the BELIEFS of our peers and our teachers. We grow up in a town or area, and are conditioned by the BELIEFS of our peers, then by the region we live in. Even though these BELIEFS may or may not be actual fact. Some never see or hear anything else, and are not exposed to larger country and then world BELIEFS.
Then we go through life, and have cognitive bias based on those BELIEFS, which again, may or may not not be actual facts.
Perhaps we get involved in religion, and then are conditioned to BELIEVE that which we read and are told. And again, those are merely BELIEFS, and may or may not be actual fact. In fact, since almost none of the major religions agree with each other, there is an obvious disconnect with reality, as truth is truth and illusion is illusion; which of the religions are correct? Are they all correct in that there was a truth that the particular religion was based on, but the organization has distorted that basic truth and used their platform for control and/or monetary gain? And the cognitive bias we have is continuously enforced by confirmation bias – we look at online videos, group posts, and news which agrees with our cognitive bias, and ignore other information as “wrong”. This actually cab be kinda mind-blowing when observed from the outside of any particular organization.
All of this acts as input for our energy body vibration.
Welllll…how do we distinguish between actual fact and illusion?
And now we get into what is mentioned above about energy body vibration. We all have an energy body vibration frequency. And this frequency is unfortunately governed in the majority of humanity by the mind/brain interface. This interface is governed by the cumulative BELIEFS stored in our brain’s storage.
How do we rise above this? How do we “tune in” to actual fact versus illusion?
Consider this: Everyone can’t be correct. There is but one truth, and everything else is illusion. Which is truth and which is illusion?
It really is simple. If we remove the “fact”, which may actually be an illusion stored in the brain, then we can learn to discern truth from illusion.
LISTENING is what I call the process of tuning in to “that which is real”, in the moment of the moment. I have written about this process many times.
Where does LISTENING come from? Actually, if one looks to the commonality of all religions, there is an answer.
LISTENING is actually a resonance though our energy body connection to LIGHT. LIGHT is our connectIon to Holy Spirit, our Creator. In Chinese Traditional Philosophy/Medicine terms, it is the ebb & flow of Tao; the creative flow from Heaven to Earth. Or look at it as our connection with the Creative aspect of Heaven. A tuning-in to the creative aspect of the universe. Or look at it as the connection with God. Or look at it as our connection to Heaven. Actually, it doesn’t matter what terms we use, what matters is the reality of the process and the “how” to utilize said process. For more on LISTENING read, https://betweenyoumeandthelightpost.com/listening/
Ok, let us back up a bit. What the heck is an “energy body”? I am sure most have never heard of such.
Our Energy Body is the ageless aspect of ourselves. That which is immortal and exists beyond our body, but integrates with our body while we are here on Earth.
If one is religious or not, he/she may look at this writing and think it is nonsense. But if one actually examines the commonality of most religions, we do have an immortal aspect of ourselves; most call it a SOUL.
Perhaps now you understand what I am referring to? The Energy Body IS what most call the SOUL, the immortal aspect of ourselves. It actually doesn’t matter if one BELIEVES or doesn’t believe that we have existence beyond our extremely short lifetime here on Earth, IF we can establish this as an actual self-evident fact beyond a BELIEF.
Now we get into the “HOW” of LISTENING, which is the process of harmony with “that which is real”.
I have written about this process before, and will not get into much more detail in this article. However, let us establish that the first step is to know that we have this energy body and it is real. Is one to KNOW that we have such dependent on what anyone says? Absolutely not, that would then become a BELIEF, which is what we are trying to rise above.
The only way I know of is to practice methodology to become AWARE of our energy body. Independent of any BELIEF. A method which confirms as self-evident, not on something someone says. Such methods exist, if only one is willing to find and implement. The majority of humanity is not willing to put in the effort.
Let’s sum up this article.
- Humanity has distorted it’s view of reality, of “that which is real”, through BELIEF.
- BELIEF is not always actual fact, and actually, in perhaps the majority of cases, is not actual fact.
- BELIEF is mostly based on what someone said or read or viewed. Which, of course, may or may not be actual fact.
- One aspect of Cognitive bias in confirmation bias. We almost always search for confirmation of our BELIEF, whether through video and audio online information, or anything else, such as group meetings, that help establish a BELIEF.
- We have an Energy Body.
- The truth of the existence of an Energy Body can only become a truth, instead of a BELIEF, through methodology. This methodology must result as self-evident, not on what someone says or what any book says.
And to end the article, here is a quote from me, “Don’t BELIEVE any word I say; instead tune into Heaven’s creative flow and ride the wind.”
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Michael Lomax is the author of A Light Warrior’s Guide to High Level Energy Healing and teacher of the internal Chinese Arts of Qigong/Neigong, with students from around the world. click for more about Michael at www.michaellomax.com and https://stillnessmovement.com/