Mind is a very powerful thing. Oh Yeah! In fact, I would have to say it is one of the more powerful things on Earth. Indeed, I would say that Mind is the Master for most of humanity! That’s pretty freakin powerful! Development of MIND; work it baby work it! Massage it. Care for it.
And a very astounding fact; MOST of humanity are absolutely tricked by Mind into believing that Mind is who they really are! Absolutely convinced. The typical response, when this is pointed out, is “Oh NO NO NO, you can’t tell me otherwise. You are wrong wrong wrong, “I” am who my mind says “I” am.” Guess who tells them to say that? I will give you a moment.
So what has happened here? What has happened is that Mind is now humanity’s worst enemy! Mind has made a slave of poor little minuscule Spirit, that inner core Divine spark that we all have residing within, the true-heart of our beings. Spirit now has no say as Mind makes the decisions. Free will, you know.
Has anyone looked about them and asked WHY is humanity absolutely insane at this stage of development and has continuously repeated the same mistakes throughout history? Nothing really makes sense. Oh, it makes sense to the Master, old Master Mind. For Spirit has been suppressed to just a small spark.
Most religions tell us that Spirit is something external to us. And that, without “their’ help, we cannot internalize, harmonize with, and connect to Spirit. What is not said is that we all possess this internal connection as a part of who we really are, and that it is for everyone, if only we learn to “Listen” to Spirit in the moment of the moment. Holy Spirit does not live in a box. Other religions tell us that only “those in authority” have ability to help us be closer to Spirit. Uhhh…this is not what Master Jesus taught. Guess who it is that tells people these things are true? I will give you a moment. To be fair, this is mostly a multi-centuries old desire for power to control others in order to be self-sustaining, but this is done by manipulation of people’s easily controlled Minds.
But attempt to tell all this to the majority of the population and they will not believe you; the response always being, “Ah, phooey on you! “I” am who my Mind says I am” – or so Mind keeps telling that very person who may be told that Mind is the enemy.
Mind has developed and Mind has taken over. No longer do most “LISTEN” to Spirit. For those that choose this path, only Mind and external control exists. And let me tell you, Mind likes it; Master over all, the BIG Honcho, inventing complex mental works of explanation and justifications.
In fact, MIND IS THE VERY WORST ENEMY THAT WE CAN EVER HAVE! It has created an endless feedback loop for most of humanity, who is stuck in the mental plane and playing recordings over and over and over. Yes, nothing but endless feedback loops. Otherwise, humanity would not be making the exact same mistakes, over and over. Have you never wondered why this mistake making is repeated constantly throughout humanity’s history? Wars and rumors of wars…people treating others like dirt…the “haves” and the “have nots”…greed…selfishness…throughout humanity’s development…over and over and over.
Mind is finite, and dies when the body dies! THAT is not who we really are!
It was really easy for Mind to take over as the Master Enemy of of humanity. Mind didn’t even need to exert any power at all – just stepped right in and took over pretty as you please. THIS is the reason for the mass insanity we now observe in Humanity!
Humanity has almost forsaken Spirit in favor of Mind. Do you think if we all let inner Spirit be the Master instead of Mind, that this current insanity would have occurred? Or, do you realize that if Spirit was king, it wouldn’t be that governments would spend billions and billions on killing other parts of humanity (you know, wars)? If Spirit instead of Mind were master, would we forsake each other in our desire to acquire more and more possessions? Or would we treat everyone as we ourselves would like to be treated, instead of looking at it as us versus them? Crazy, isn’t it. And the thing is, all this would not be so if only we allowed Spirit to be the master and Mind be the slave.
But what about the small portion of humanity that Mind has not taken over as Master? Through these millennia there were always those very few men & women of knowledge that kept this spark alive, and refused to let Mind ride as Master, and instead turned Mind into a powerful slave by bringing forth Spirit to be the Master. Luckily it turns out that the Divine Spark that is our inner core, although heavily suppressed by Mind, is not totally extinguished in any of us. There remains opportunity for everyone to turn the tables on Mind and let their true inner Spiritual core be the Master.
Hmm, let us contemplate that. NO NO NO, thought will only perpetuate the feedback loops! Let us take responsibility for who we really are and embrace that Divine inner Spirit, the True-Heart that we all possess, and bring forth Light into the world. Let us learn to LISTEN and allow Spirit to be the master, and end this over and over repetition of craziness NOW!
Author Michael Lomax is an international teacher of Neigong, Qigong, and Clinical Therapeutics Applications www.michaellomax.com
Join the Stillness-Movement group, and learn authentic Neigong. www.stillnessmovement.com
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